![The process image](img/multidisciplinary/Architecture process.png)
![The process image](img/multidisciplinary/Architecture process.png)
Form: Train
Function: Civic engagement
Program: Library
Does form dictates the program, or program defines the form?
When two entities, seemingly unrelated, even conflicted to a certain extent, they might be closely related, with a view of perspectives.
Trains are linear, build-up by the indifferent compartments when viewed individually. Combined with its stretching meandering move- ments, there we have a beautifully and naturally curated curve.
2019 June, 2 weeks
Project III, Harvard DD
Individual with supervisor
Christian Science Plaza, Boston
After researching on the history of the site, as well as the architects' visions for the site, a decision is made to submerge the building to the ground, without disrupting the existing architecture.
"Today, it is difficult to image the Church Center without its Reflecting Pool. Yet, the idea was not immediately evident. Apart from the symbolic aspect of water in Christianity and its capacity to reflect and enhance reality, the water mirror lends character, resolves the dilemma as to the architectural purpose of the space[,] and clearly organizes the relationship of the Sunday School, Colonnade and the Administration Buildings[,] which[,] together with the Publishing House, support as they do, the Church Edifice. . .
The line that dissects is the line that connects.
With one line dissecting the spaces above the ground and beneath it, a natural hierachy is formed with civic engagement [the intention] above the library [the function].
The line submerges to the ground also acts as a pathway across the buildinng. It also connects the inside with the outside of the building.
A set of programs were given as part of the brief to be included in this library space. The study models explored the circulation in between the programs, while lined up with the train characteristics
Based on the study models, I created the plans and section drawings and iterated them to be more precise and similar to the final model.
Sometimes a roof, sometimes the ground
The roof is a reflection of the meandering route of a train, formed by the linear and rigid programs. Linear modules, plus the movements through circulation, defines the fluidity of its overall system, the roof.